Kathryn Morse


HRM Councillor District 10

Fairview • Clayton Park • Rockingham • Kearney Lake

I'm working for safer neighbourhoods, better parks and public spaces, better development, and a more connected and sustainable city.

My Background

Elected in October 2020, I bring a well-rounded background to HRM Regional Council. I’m a former CBC-Halifax reporter, who has also worked in nature conservation, at Dalhousie University and in the offices of the Nova Scotia Ministers of Health and Finance. I have degrees in Journalism and Environmental Planning.

As a life-long resident of District 10 and the parent of a teen daughter, I understand the concerns of families in our area. I'm honoured to represent the district I grew up in and am working to make our community the best it can be.

With diverse skills, deep roots in the community, and four years’ experience on Regional Council, I’m the candidate best equipped to represent you

My Record

Here are some of the things I’ve done as District 10 Councillor:

  • spearheaded the doubling of HRM’s sidewalk budget

  • advocated for more road safety measures and traffic calming around schools

  • led initiatives to protect HRM’s lakes and green spaces

  • secured improvements for Hemlock Ravine, Titus Smith and other District 10 parks

  • reversed 2016 zoning that allowed 100% lot coverage on Dutch Village Road

  • introduced new requirements for suburban developers to contribute to community assets

  • supported community gardens, community rinks, school murals, food banks and outdoor recreation through district funds

  • informed residents through regular newsletters and weekly Facebook posts

Your vote counts!

The October 19 election is an important one. HRM will elect a new mayor for the first time in twelve years. At least five out of sixteen councillors will be new to their roles. The next council will have to make major investments and tough decisions at a time when our city is growing faster than ever before.

Now is the time to have a proven councillor representing Fairview, Clayton Park, Rockingham and Kearney Lake. I’m asking for your support once again so I can continue to be a strong and effective voice on Regional Council.

October 19, 2024

Re-elect Kathryn Morse
HRM District 10

Vote for a strong and effective voice for District 10

Make sure you are on HRM’s voter list – call the helpline: 902-490-VOTE (8683) or 1-844-301-8683.

You can vote by phone or electronically in advance voting from October 8-16. You can vote in person during advance polling on October 12 and 15.

The final day to vote in person is Saturday, October 19.